Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Do you not love ashley tisdales style!!!

OMgoodness... i really like that, its simple yet edgy... :D
OK, i will admit, the dress is a little barbie-ish.. but i still really like it, and i think it pwns with the lace bra and black clutch!

OMG! this like, defines me, i <3 href="">well, i think that ones really cute, although i can decide if its summerish or winterish O.o

COOl, i really like the dress, although im not so sure i would have paired it with those leggings and tennishoes,............ O>o

Monday, January 28, 2008

My Photo Editor Sites review..

ok, please note, i made this review for my friend, and i thought it might be helpful to whoever reads this, but what iwrte might not be so helpful...
by far my fav. altho a lot of the features, are premium, you can still put them on ur pic, but in the corner there with be a banner that says premium, so i just go on MS paint and put a white square around my pic. use the effect, and take of the white square and bannner (clever if it makes sense, EH?)lol once u get into the editor on picnik u must click create at the top to get the cool effects. k
ok, lunapic, is the chiz, one of my faves too, u can animate them oon it! it pwns. checkitouutt
i like adding bbbbbBLANG with blingee.. lol
meh, its got a few cool ones..
picture2life is AWSOME to get the full greatness u must sign up, but its free, thats why that is the link to sign up
that one PWNS to death!


Sunday, January 6, 2008

Jamie Lynn Spears Pregnant/ Goodbye Zoey (101)

Hello, well i am about to share some info u probably already know, but i like sharing my opinion, so here it goes...

Jamie Lynn Spears, 16 year oold sister of Brittney Spears, is Pregnant, the father is said to be Casey Aldridge, who is 19, its hard to believe because we expected her t be great, or better than her sister, who just lost the right to even visit her kids. Jamie explained she was shocked and suprised when she learned about her pregnancy. after thinking it through, she has decided,with her baby, to leave hollywood, to louisanna (i think thats spelt worng, oh well) to go to college and have a normal life. Rumors say her mom does not support her descision, and wants to stay in hollywood. AS for Jamies Hit Series, Zoey 101... Nickelodeon wrapped up the third season with a TV movie, goodbye zoey, with an ending that wasnt so is said they filmed an ending that wasnt a cliffhanger, where Zoey went back to PCA, but wasnt released, Nick. may have filmed a fourth season, but just as well, that may be false information.

I certainly hope that Jamie still gets the best in life. And the 4th season of Zoey 101 is aired. In my opinion, and many others, everbody makes mistakes. But why dont we think of that when it comes to Big mistakes, like this...